My Doula ~ Part Two: The Home Visit

~ ~ ~ My doula was available through text or email any time in my pregnancy or after his birth, but we didn't meet up again until he was about 3 weeks old. She offered to come to my home, to make it easier on me in those early postpartum days. She came in the evening, and she immediately fawned over how sweet he was, commending me for doing so well at nursing so far (he of course needed to eat immediately after her arrival). Then, she pulled a few small things from her bag... Gifts! I hadn't been expecting anything, but her thoughtfulness touched me deeply. She also then gave me the photos and videos she'd taken, letting me save them to my computer from her USB, and again told me how memorable she had found my birth experience. She told me that I could look at the photos at any time, but she greatly encouraged moms to wait 6 months to a year before watching videos, so that your memories formed from the things you ...