A Brief Update!

Of course, I have taken forever, yet again, to update! As you can expect, lots has happened in the past several months, including.... Seeing Our Baby for the First Time... Again at 19 Weeks.... Finding Out She Is a She... Revealing Her Name... Practicing for Tandem Nursing... ... And Getting Married (at 30 Weeks Pregnant)!! I am now 31 weeks pregnant and gearing up for the birth of our little girl - a planned home water birth! I am almost prepared, supply-wise, and am getting ready to prepare emotionally for the beautiful marathon that is giving life. As I again approach this huge undertaking of love, I expect I'll have a lot of emotions that will relate to my doula journey, so I hope to update here more in the coming weeks. In the mean time, please enjoy my Youtube videos, including my Birth "Wishes": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvHeuROAta4 Also can be found on my Pregnant Doula blog: http://thepregnantdoula.blogspot.ca/2015/06/28-weeks-my-birth-plan.html And my rel...