Getting You All Caught Up (The Last Ultrasound)!

Finally coming back to this!! We left off at 38 weeks, concerned about low fluid, the last ultrasound, and induction. Boy, were we in for a whirlwind of surprises that weekend! Appointment day came, Friday August 7th, and with it my last belly photo. She looks soooo low here! I remember waking up in a rush, having to get into town quickly, nursing Levi for "the last time" before having her (haha), and generally just not feeling as prepared as I needed to be. Everything - and I do mean everything - for my hospital bags packed into the car (we were half prepared/willing to beg the midwives to start us off that day if my fluid was still low - everything was in place, if it was going to happen it might as well when we're all prepared for it rather than wait until the following morning). Then there was a lot of waiting around, waiting for the call that we could come in for our ultrasound. The plan was one final ultrasound whenever they could squeeze me in, immediat...