9 Month Photoshoot, New Intro, Family Cloth & GIVEAWAY!

Hey all! Mini update here for you. We did a family photoshoot with NM Photography here in Summerland, BC (though I believe she is from Penticton, BC) for Evie's 9 month photos and it was AMAZING! She got some wonderful shots of my sweet babies and I couldn't be happier. Here is my NEW INTRO for my Youtube videos with her photos: Also new in my life is FAMILY CLOTH. If you haven't heard of this crunchy "new fad", it's the practice of using washable & reusable cloths for your bathroom needs - fits well with my cloth diapering, I would say! I recently decided to try them out, and with my good friend at The Sewing Kraut hooked me up with some awesome cloth for my behind! To celebrate this, and make it a little fun, we decided to do a GIVEAWAY along with a 2 week "Family Cloth Experiment" to update you guys on how I'm liking Family Cloth so far. Watch this unboxing & contest rules video here: ...