Introduction! Finding Out...

Hello! Welcome to my new blog ~ The Pregnant Doula! Okay, so I'm not a doula yet. I'm a "novice" doula - a doula in training. In fact, I started a blog titled The Novice Doula in October, 2014, chronicalling my journey to becoming a positive birth support for labouring mothers. You can find it at Unfortunately I had to take a little break from my doula journey, as we moved in November, 2014, and just as we were settling into our new home in December, we got a big surprise (which you've probably guessed by now)... We're pregnant!! A little backstory: I had our son in August 2013, and absolutely loved my pregnancy/birth with him. I always felt so beautiful, so natural, so connected to him, so empowered. I went to 41 weeks, 1 day with him, and had a beautiful, perfect, drug free natural birth in hospital, an experience I wouldn't change for the world (you can read about it in my October 13th and...