An Unexpected Twist!

Hello, and Welcome to the Novice Doula!

This is post is going to be a bit different, as my plans are suddenly very different! It has been over a month since my last post, majorly because we were busy moving during November, and just as we were settling into our new home in early December - surprise!

While we have been trying since May 2014, between irregular cycles due to still breastfeeding Roo and few "baby making times" during the move, we were really not expecting a positive test so soon. Life has a funny way of working things out when you least expected!

With this sudden change of plans, I've decided to stay firmly in the "novice" stage of my doula journey - for now. I'll be taking this time to enjoy these last few months just my son & I at home, and also planning another great surprise...

So many big changes this year for our family! My amazing, wonderful man dropped down on one knee the moment we heard our little love bug's heartbeat for the first time ~ how romantic is he?? 

So, what does this mean for The Novice Doula blog? 

It does mean a brief hiatus of posts and my efforts to become a well-studied, certified doula. I may have many birth related ideas as a read up and ponder the possibility of my much-longed-for home water birth, so there may be a few posts occasionally to explore those feelings and how they will affect my doula journey, but largely I will be absent from this blog, unfortunately. :( 

There is good news, though! 

I can't NOT document my journey from Mother of One to Mother of Two, or my journey from Loving Girlfriend to Marital Bliss ~ did you really think I'd abandon you?? So, I am proud to announce The Novice Doula's sisterblogs:

 The Pregnant Doula ( &

 The Married Doula (!

Please, feel free to follow my journey in both pregnancy & engagement on these blogs, and I promise I WILL be back to The Novice Doula again, when my heart is ready for one more adventure. 

Thank you so much for being here throughout my journey, and as always...

With love & empowerment,
~ The Novice Doula


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