Getting You All Caught Up (Last Weeks of Pregnancy) ~ Oops!

So, it's come to my attention that I haven't updated this blog at all since 35 weeks pregnant, and my baby is now almost 6 months old. Soooo yeah, that happened. I'm so sorry!! Quite honestly I wouldn't even blame it on having two kids, because I have had a decent amount of time to work on videos, etc, I simply forgot about my blog as I've been working so hard to build up my Youtube channel. I'm so sorry about that, so here is a fast recap of everything you've missed: Ultrasounds and Low Fluid Scares So, backing way up, there had been concerns with my fundal height since around 28-30 weeks. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but enough to keep an eye on it, so at 28 weeks it was 28cm (perfect), but at 32 weeks it was 30cm (a little low), and at 34 weeks STILL 30cm so that was cause for concern (even though I was gaining weight, the fundal height seemed not be be moving up as it should along with it), so my midwives ordered an ultrasound to ...