Getting You All Caught Up (Last Weeks of Pregnancy) ~ Oops!
So, it's come to my attention that I haven't updated this blog at all
since 35 weeks pregnant, and my baby is now almost 6 months old. Soooo
yeah, that happened.
I'm so sorry!! Quite honestly I wouldn't even blame it on having two kids, because I have had a decent amount of time to work on videos, etc, I simply forgot about my blog as I've been working so hard to build up my Youtube channel. I'm so sorry about that, so here is a fast recap of everything you've missed:
Ultrasounds and Low Fluid Scares
So, backing way up, there had been concerns with my fundal height since around 28-30 weeks. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but enough to keep an eye on it, so at 28 weeks it was 28cm (perfect), but at 32 weeks it was 30cm (a little low), and at 34 weeks STILL 30cm so that was cause for concern (even though I was gaining weight, the fundal height seemed not be be moving up as it should along with it), so my midwives ordered an ultrasound to check on the baby's growth & her fluid levels.
{28 Week Update:
32 Week Update:
34 Week Update:}
Long story short, I got in for an ultrasound on 35 weeks 1 day kind of last minute, and they were looking for three things: her growth, blood flow to and from the placenta and fluid levels. She was also head down, which was a nice reassuring thing to know. Her measurements were right on track which was lovely, blood flow to and from the placenta (which he let us listen to - very cool!) was perfect, buuuuut the fluid was "on the low side of normal", which meant another ultrasound to see if it continues to be low or drops too quickly, but overall I left with a sense of positivity and happiness that we got to see our little girl.
At my 35/36 week appointment my midwife did want me to start doing weekly NSTs (non-stress tests to measure the baby's heartbeat and reaction to contractions, if any, and movements to see if she was responding appropriately - ie raising slightly with the stress of a contraction/movements then slowing back to normal as it subsides) until my next ultrasound as well.
I'm so sorry!! Quite honestly I wouldn't even blame it on having two kids, because I have had a decent amount of time to work on videos, etc, I simply forgot about my blog as I've been working so hard to build up my Youtube channel. I'm so sorry about that, so here is a fast recap of everything you've missed:
Ultrasounds and Low Fluid Scares
So, backing way up, there had been concerns with my fundal height since around 28-30 weeks. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but enough to keep an eye on it, so at 28 weeks it was 28cm (perfect), but at 32 weeks it was 30cm (a little low), and at 34 weeks STILL 30cm so that was cause for concern (even though I was gaining weight, the fundal height seemed not be be moving up as it should along with it), so my midwives ordered an ultrasound to check on the baby's growth & her fluid levels.
{28 Week Update:
32 Week Update:
34 Week Update:}
Long story short, I got in for an ultrasound on 35 weeks 1 day kind of last minute, and they were looking for three things: her growth, blood flow to and from the placenta and fluid levels. She was also head down, which was a nice reassuring thing to know. Her measurements were right on track which was lovely, blood flow to and from the placenta (which he let us listen to - very cool!) was perfect, buuuuut the fluid was "on the low side of normal", which meant another ultrasound to see if it continues to be low or drops too quickly, but overall I left with a sense of positivity and happiness that we got to see our little girl.
At my 35/36 week appointment my midwife did want me to start doing weekly NSTs (non-stress tests to measure the baby's heartbeat and reaction to contractions, if any, and movements to see if she was responding appropriately - ie raising slightly with the stress of a contraction/movements then slowing back to normal as it subsides) until my next ultrasound as well.

{Ultrasound Update!! 35 Weeks 1 Day:
36 Week Update:}
Fast forward two weeks, and we had another ultrasound at 37 weeks 1 day (the day before, my fundal height had been still 34cm at 37 weeks - not encouraging, though we did contribute this to having different people measure each time, not really providing accurate measurements throughout), and basically everything was riding on these results. If the fluid was normal or up a little bit in the percentiles, we could almost not even monitor anymore or very infrequent monitoring and everything would be good, if the fluid was still low/even lower (below the 5th percentile), we could possibly be looking at induction the next day or at the very least, more monitoring. Needless to say, I was pretty darn worried about this ultrasound.
First things first, they were really happy with her measurements, about 3 days behind which is perfect and they estimated her weight at around 6lb 6oz, which of course ultrasound estimates can be very off but it was encouraging to hear! The cord bloodflow and the placenta both looked great, which was also reassuring, buuuuut (again) the fluid was still low. All the ultrasound tech could tell us though was that we were "continuing with the plan", so I thought that meant we were in the clear, just more weekly NSTs and a follow up ultrasound most likely.
And here comes another buuuuuut. About an hour after leaving the ultrasound I get a call with my midwife that has a very different tone - she was very careful not to worry me, but I could tell something was up. She asked me if I was going in for an NST, and because I had just gotten one the day before I was confused, replaying "Well, I'm going in for one next week?", to which she replied "Oh, did they not tell you?" Now all my alarm bells were going off, "Tell me what?" Remember that pesky "below the 5th percentile" concern? Well, guess where the fluid levels were below. Yup, you guessed it.
Not wanting to immediately induce, because she seemed to be growing and having good blood/nutrient flow still, they basically just wanted to keep an even closer eye on her, which meant not weekly NSTs but every 3 days, including one right then. Oh boy. We also had another ultrasound scheduled for the following Friday, and depending on the results of that ultrasound, we were looking at (again) induction the next day if it was still low - following the theory that at a certain point, it would be better to get her out early rather than to leave her with an inadequate nutrient/oxygen supply.
My feelings on this all was obviously concern, fear of induction, fear/sadness/disappointment of my abruptly ended hope of our homebirth, fear that she wasn't faring well, etc etc etc - I'm a worrier, and I had lots to worry about here. My mentality immediately went to avoiding induction at all costs, or at least making my body/cervix more favourable to accept either induction or natural labour, so I asked and was cleared to start taking Evening Primrose Oil (orally & vaginally, to soften/ripen my cervix) and Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (to strengthen my uterine walls, which makes contractions more effective) for the week leading up to the fateful last ultrasound. We also planned for a membrane stretch and sweep (a procedure where you separate the amniotic sac from the cervix in the hopes it triggers natural labour) the day before the ultrasound, just in case that gets things going. avoiding the ultrasound and any talk of induction all together. I talk about all of the prep emotionally and physically I was doing for my impending labour in my 38 Week Update, which I knew would be my last for this pregnancy.
36 Week Update:}
Fast forward two weeks, and we had another ultrasound at 37 weeks 1 day (the day before, my fundal height had been still 34cm at 37 weeks - not encouraging, though we did contribute this to having different people measure each time, not really providing accurate measurements throughout), and basically everything was riding on these results. If the fluid was normal or up a little bit in the percentiles, we could almost not even monitor anymore or very infrequent monitoring and everything would be good, if the fluid was still low/even lower (below the 5th percentile), we could possibly be looking at induction the next day or at the very least, more monitoring. Needless to say, I was pretty darn worried about this ultrasound.
First things first, they were really happy with her measurements, about 3 days behind which is perfect and they estimated her weight at around 6lb 6oz, which of course ultrasound estimates can be very off but it was encouraging to hear! The cord bloodflow and the placenta both looked great, which was also reassuring, buuuuut (again) the fluid was still low. All the ultrasound tech could tell us though was that we were "continuing with the plan", so I thought that meant we were in the clear, just more weekly NSTs and a follow up ultrasound most likely.
And here comes another buuuuuut. About an hour after leaving the ultrasound I get a call with my midwife that has a very different tone - she was very careful not to worry me, but I could tell something was up. She asked me if I was going in for an NST, and because I had just gotten one the day before I was confused, replaying "Well, I'm going in for one next week?", to which she replied "Oh, did they not tell you?" Now all my alarm bells were going off, "Tell me what?" Remember that pesky "below the 5th percentile" concern? Well, guess where the fluid levels were below. Yup, you guessed it.
Not wanting to immediately induce, because she seemed to be growing and having good blood/nutrient flow still, they basically just wanted to keep an even closer eye on her, which meant not weekly NSTs but every 3 days, including one right then. Oh boy. We also had another ultrasound scheduled for the following Friday, and depending on the results of that ultrasound, we were looking at (again) induction the next day if it was still low - following the theory that at a certain point, it would be better to get her out early rather than to leave her with an inadequate nutrient/oxygen supply.
My feelings on this all was obviously concern, fear of induction, fear/sadness/disappointment of my abruptly ended hope of our homebirth, fear that she wasn't faring well, etc etc etc - I'm a worrier, and I had lots to worry about here. My mentality immediately went to avoiding induction at all costs, or at least making my body/cervix more favourable to accept either induction or natural labour, so I asked and was cleared to start taking Evening Primrose Oil (orally & vaginally, to soften/ripen my cervix) and Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (to strengthen my uterine walls, which makes contractions more effective) for the week leading up to the fateful last ultrasound. We also planned for a membrane stretch and sweep (a procedure where you separate the amniotic sac from the cervix in the hopes it triggers natural labour) the day before the ultrasound, just in case that gets things going. avoiding the ultrasound and any talk of induction all together. I talk about all of the prep emotionally and physically I was doing for my impending labour in my 38 Week Update, which I knew would be my last for this pregnancy.
{Ultrasound & More Update 37 Weeks 1 Day:
38 Week/Last Pregnancy Update:}
Stay tuned for my birth experience, Evie's baby updates/monthly photos and more!
~The Not-So-Pregnant-Anymore (Almost) Doula
Congrats :)
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