Consolidating Blogs, a New Website, Lack of Videos and Doula Career Update!

 Hi all!!

So this is just a quick update to keep you all on the same page as far as my blogs/websites/Youtube/career goes, I've been changing around a lot of things and am waaaaaaay behind on keeping you all updated, so here it all is:

Consolidating Blogs

I have decided that 3 separate blogs was just too hard to maintain, I'd often think of posting and then realize I should update ___ blog first, so I would just never get around to posting at all. That doesn't work for me (or you guys)! So, Blogger has this nifty feature where you can export all existing posts and upload them to a different blog, so that's what I did.

All blog posts from and have been moved to this blog, this means some posts will have broken links or may reference this blog as something different from where it was originally posted - please feel free to ask me to edit them if it really bothers you, or just scroll on past if the info is no longer relevant :)

I also changed the template of the blog, I just needed a change, but I'm not sure I love it yet so if you hate it, please let me know because I'll put some more effort into finding a better one.

New Website!

As you will see in a moment, my doula career is in the works so I decided to make a new website for myself as a Summerland BC Doula! I really love the layout, but I am still working out some kinks in the site/google searches/etc, so please be patient. I will also be changing the site as I go through with the business aspect of my training, so stay tuned.

My business website for all things doula - pregnancy, birth, postpartum and specialized bereavement support can be found at , please follow the links to make enquires, book me as your doula, or just generally find out more about my practice/career journey. 

The website also has a page linked to this blog, so you can read this straight on the website which is pretty fun (you might even be reading it this way now - hello!).

Lack of Videos

As some of you may know, I took a little break from filming/editing/uploading my baby updates/Youtube videos throughout March as we were moving and settling into our new home. Unfortunately, now that I am ready to be back, my computer is NOT and has decided not to let me edit any videos (booooo!). Please know I am working on it and will be posting several videos including Evie's 7 & 8 Month Updates, Levi's 2.5 Year Update, Not a "Real Doula" - Not Anymore!!, and several other doula/training video updates as soon as I can.

For now you can find all my previous videos at , please comment/share/subscribe in the mean time!!

Thank you for your patience as I try to figure this out, and YES I will be filming videos in the mean time - I also got a new vlogging camera which may be part of the editing woes, but should produce some higher quality content when I can finally get it up!

Doula Career/Training!

Originally, I started blogging on to document my journey going through my DONA doula course & certification. Well, as we all know, that plan didn't pan out and I am no longer looking into being DONA certified. I also took some time away from that journey to have my beautiful baby girl and focus on the family, our wedding and setting up our life together. I am now back in the doula game and with some very exciting developments!!

I decided after much soul searching to go ahead with StillBirthDay's Birth & Bereavement Doula training, as it will certify me for births, postpartum and specialty bereavement support training for families experiencing loss. I feel so honoured to be able to help these mothers, fathers, siblings, and families through these difficult times and help celebrate the time their sweet babies did have on earth, should they choose to. I was set to start the first week of April, buuuut....

I also submitted a scholarship form for Bebo Mia's Maternal Support Practitioner program, thinking I had no chance of winning, but I DID!! This is a Canadian doula certification that is recognized globally (as is SBD's certification) with specific training on the business, legal and tax side of doula-ing, which I am incredibly lucky to be receiving. The course started March 31st, 2016 and I am already in LOVE with the program & instructors!

I will be double certified/educated as a Birth & Bereavement Doula AND a Maternal Support Practitioner!!!

I am so, so overwhelmed and grateful for the oppertunities that I have been given this year and I am working my butt of to make them most of them! More info whenever I can get the Not a "Real Doula" - Not Anymore!! video up!

So that's all for now, I really just wanted to get that out to you guys and have this as up-to-date as possible now that it's accessible on the website as well. I'm really excited to grow my business and my career this year, thank you so much for being a part of my journey! You can also follow along on my Facebook page if you'd like, , and I hope to see you soon in some more blogs/videos!

Love and Empowerment,
The not-so-Pregnant, actually-YES-a-"real", Married, Novice Doula!! <3


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