Gratitude & the Christmas Spirit While Your Life is Falling Apart.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it, separation SUCKS. No longer being with, parenting with, and depending on your best friend SUCKS. Being an unplanned single mom of 3 kids 5 and under? SUCKS. Lately, I have been in a negative, unChristmasy headspace. First holidays during divorces are really hard. All the bitterness from previous celebrations plus hurt that your family isn't together this year - it's a tough time. Especially when visitation isn't settled out, the kids sense the uncertainty, it's just a very hollow feeling holiday season this year. Today, I finally was able to somewhat see through the fog about it. See, every time something doesn't go exactly as planned, I start to beat myself up, blame myself and also become very resentful towards my ex not being around to help make things easier. It sends me into this tailspin where I can feel the tension and unhealthy thought patterns, but the thing about grief and/or mental illness - kn...