
Showing posts from February, 2015

Bridal Show! 3 Months, 2 Weeks & 6 Days Left!

Hi, and welcome to the Married Doula! I am severely, SEVERELY behind. I need to get my butt in gear, but financial things and just too darn lazy (pregnant) are always getting in the way. On the bright side, I do have the most amazing bridesmaid/maid of honour (if my mom counts as more of an "honourary maid of honour", as my fiance's sister will actually be doing most of the work!) to kick my butt to get going, like take me to a local bridal expo this weekend! I was 14 weeks 3 days, so of course I needed to take a few photos of my outfit for the "big" day... And we were off! I managed to get away for the while day, sans-toddler (that never happens), and we got to walk around and see all the different booths and companies offering things for your wedding. It was so nice to have a day to just be excited and get some ideas for how I want the day to look and those little details you don't often think of. For the most part, we will being doing everything (decor, f...

14 Weeks - Comparison Photos, Belly at a Bridal Show, New Video & Midwife Appointment!

Hello, and Welcome to the Pregnant Doula - I can't believe I haven't updated since before 13 weeks! I'm 14 weeks 5 days today, and am getting closer to showing and feeling Baby Bug move all the time, I'm so excited! First of all, I did put up at 14 Week update on my Youtube channel, The Pregnant Doula. This has been the best week yet, I felt movement  and got a video of the heartbeat at our midwife appointment that day which is at the end of the update. I think I'm getting much more confident in front of the camera and as of today I have 22  Subscribers, 765  Views, and 1,585 Estimated Minutes Watched - Wow! Here's the link to  14 Weeks Pregnant While Nursing ~ HEARTBEAT & Belly Shot {The Pregnant Doula} : I also put out an  18 Month Toddler Update ~ Roo! {The Pregnant Doula} Part 1 & 2  on my channel, here's the link : This Week in My Pregn...

Rustic Wedding Inspiration ~ 4 Months to D Day!

Hello, and welcome to the Married Doula! I am a MAJOR PROCRASTINATOR, I need help! My count down tickers informed me today, we have exactly FOUR MONTHS until our wedding day! What?! So, I've basically done nothing. And by nothing, I mean add a million things to my pintrest board, but haven't ordered a single thing (though we did print out Save the Dates - they're in a drawer in my kitchen right now - we printed them a month ago!). I also haven't really blogged about it, so I figured I'd get this post down today. My Wedding Inspiration Location We are a "redneck" couple - not so much in practice, we do have indoor plumbing and all of our teeth, but as a hobby. My fiance has built up his big, lifted, shortened short box 1975 Dodge since 2011, when it was handed down to him from his father, who was given it by his  father (my fiance, H's, grandfather). We're also an outdoor couple, long before we were dating we would hike up mountains or climb trees a...

First Trimester Collage! (12w5d)

Just a quick update - I am now 2 days away from being in the second trimester!! Yay!! I finally took my 12 week photo, and so, I had to make a first trimester collage. I was very surprised to see, my belly had actually changed significantly this week. My abdomen seems to be thicker and rotated to give a heavier, fuller look. I suppose my uterus is officially making it's way out of the pelvis and into my abdomen, just under my belly button! I am 13 weeks on Thursday, just in time for Valentine's Day on Saturday! Our little Love Bug will be "out of the woods", so-to-speak for the day of love, how fitting!  My next appointment is the following Thursday, at 14 weeks exactly. I'm very excited to hear the heartbeat again.  That's all for now. Oh, I also got some amazing ginger snap cookies (my craving), so I'm walking on air tonight (the sugar may be why I'm up at 11pm blogging, though ;) ).  Love & happy gestating, ~The Pregnant D...

12 Weeks - Pregnant Vlogger Extraordinaire!

Hello, and welcome to the Pregnant Doula! I've been very busy this week, namely turning my dream (beyond motherhood, doula-ing and blogging) of video blogging into a reality. It took a lot longer than I thought - I filmed several videos on Thursday, the day I turned 12 weeks, with minor interruptions including toddlers waking up from naps and cameras dying. I finally got them all filmed though - with no time to edit! Friday and Saturday were spent editing, while also deterring my crazy toddler from destroying my house while I try to sit at the computer for more than 10 seconds at a time - not an easy feat! Finally, Saturday night & today, Sunday, were spent uploading the 7 video segments I ended up having to upload separately (I had planned for 3), but I was met with success! I have uploaded catch up videos for the previous weeks, as well as a 12 Week video to bring my brand new Youtube channel up to speed, much like my previous posts here. Watch "The Pregnant...

11 Weeks 4 Days - Symptoms & Heartbeat/Ultrasound Appointments

Hello, and welcome to The Pregnant Doula! I am halfway through my 12th week of pregnancy (11 weeks 4 days today), but I figured I would make a belly comparison up to this point and do a little "up until now" symptom, weight gain, and appointment catch up post! No belly yet! Which should be expected, but I was really hoping to start showing earlier with this Little Bug. I can't wait for a beautiful belly, feeling kicks, knowing their name and preparing for birth! For now, I just feel like I'm passing time and enjoying all the nights I have left to sleep on my belly.  Symptoms By Week:  Week 4 (before we knew/as we found out) ~ Overly tired, comfort eating, moodiness, mild cravings, gassy, mild heartburn, constipation, achy back, bloating, nausea when smelling our niece's formula. Starting weight: 114lbs. Week 5 ~ nightmares, drop in breastmilk supply, tired, lack of appetite, tired, Week 6 ~ lack of symptoms, stress dreams, craving ceasar salad...


Hello, and welcome to The Married Doula! Hopefully you've made it here through my other blogs, The Novice Doula ( and The Pregnant Doula ( If not, please check them out, as well as being engaged, I am also pregnant with baby #2 and an aspiring doula. So, who am I? I'm the Married/Novice/Pregnant Doula! This is me: And this is the groom, we'll call him H: As you can see, he's obsessed with his 1975 Dodge, and wears a basic uniform of black tee shirt and jeans on a daily basis, whether to work, to work on vehicles, or even to photoshoots (the blue was a rare deviation from the norm).  And here are some of my favourite photos together: Our story is a wonderful one, that I absolutely love to tell, so sit back and enjoy! We met back in third grade, when H and is family moved to our home town and joined our elementary school. While I don't remember much of that year, it was his least favourite in school - but even b...