12 Weeks - Pregnant Vlogger Extraordinaire!

Hello, and welcome to the Pregnant Doula!

I've been very busy this week, namely turning my dream (beyond motherhood, doula-ing and blogging) of video blogging into a reality.

It took a lot longer than I thought - I filmed several videos on Thursday, the day I turned 12 weeks, with minor interruptions including toddlers waking up from naps and cameras dying. I finally got them all filmed though - with no time to edit!

Friday and Saturday were spent editing, while also deterring my crazy toddler from destroying my house while I try to sit at the computer for more than 10 seconds at a time - not an easy feat!

Finally, Saturday night & today, Sunday, were spent uploading the 7 video segments I ended up having to upload separately (I had planned for 3), but I was met with success!

I have uploaded catch up videos for the previous weeks, as well as a 12 Week video to bring my brand new Youtube channel up to speed, much like my previous posts here.

Watch "The Pregnant Doula's Pregnancy Blogs" Here:

3 to 6 Weeks, Parts 1 and 2

7 to 11 Weeks, Parts 1 to 4

12 Weeks

This Week in My Pregnancy

Even though I will be making weekly video blogs, I promise to be updating this blog as frequently (or more) than I do the videos - you will not be forgotten! I also feel much more comfortable writing than speaking to an empty room, so I prefer the journaling aspect of blog writing in some ways. Mainly I'm excited for my videos to document my growth a person, belly-wise and confidence wise. But most of my deeper thoughts on pregnancy, birth, and motherhood will be shared here, where I am most comfortable.

This week brought some interesting changes - I still don't feel a huge difference in belly size (I'm about to go take my weekly belly photo - 3 days late - so it's yet to be determined!), but I'm feeling a distinct "heaviness" or "fullness" to my belly. This week is also the first week I have thought I have been able to feel my uterus above my pelvic bone, though only when I'm standing (when I'm told it's easiest to feel when laying down, hmmm). 

The development of the baby this week is huge, as they have officially doubled in length in the past 3 weeks to a whopping 2.5in and hit half an ounce. Their bone marrow is making WHITE blood cells (I couldn't remember which while filming), and "the pituitary gland (in the base of the brain) has started producing the hormones that's enable him to make babies of his own in a couple of decades or so" (according to whattoexpect.com). The are in the maturing stage, with all their organs and systems in place, getting ready to function on their own.

I have felt an ease in my tiredness, and an increase in hunger, which are both eagerly welcomed! A lack of cravings or nausea has also been pleasant lately, which is great for trying to work on vlogs & blogs, and caring for my busy, busy toddler!

Roo Update
Speaking of toddler, he was sick this week :( And I felt the beginning of a cold as well, but have been feeling better today - yay! He also learned a few new words, including "Grandpa", and slept on a floor bed for the first time last night. He slept all night (with a few wake ups, but not leaving the mattress), woke up in the morning to remain in his room playing for about 5 minutes, then opened his door to come find me - win! A safety issue when we are not sleeping on the couch (facing the door to his room, so we are very aware of when he wakes/leaves his room) may arise, so either a door lock or alarm may have to be installed, but we won't worry about it yet. 
I've noticed a huge leap in his logical thinking skills and independence lately. Between understanding compound requests (Please bring me a diaper, put it down, sit/lay down), asking for what he wants with words (dra for drink, eat or nanana -banana - for food, baaa for please), doing familiar things on his own (grabbing a receiving blanket to wipe his runny nose or bringing a blanket over to nurse) and even seeming to ask for diaper changes by grabbing himself or bringing me a diaper on his own. His transition to Big Brother has been going very well lately (other than the increased intensity of tantrums, which we expected and dreaded), we can't wait to start potty training once we see a few more signs of readiness!

Roo went 22 HOURS between feeds on Friday afternoon to Saturday late morning!! I felt little change in fullness (though after nursing I did feel even flatter than I thought possible!), and Roo didn't immediately ask for it when he saw me either, which both seem to indicate his lack of dependence on nursing :(
After this proof of my dwindling supply & his independence, I was pretty down on myself and the ability to nurse thorough out the pregnancy and beyond. Does it even count as nursing if he is getting little or no milk? With these thoughts, and questions of if it was time to wean from a few family members buzzing around in my head, I reached out to my fellow mamas for support and advice.
The support I found was amazing and comforting! Nursing is not just about the act of giving milk, it is the comfort and familiarity of quiet time and cuddles with Mom. It is something dependable and reliable for a toddler to fall back on when tired, scared, overstimulated, frusterated or overwhelmed. A mother's body naturally adjusts to their nursing child's needs, even nursing a few times a week is possible, and in the absence of milk "dry nursing" is still beneficial. As one mom put it, I won't be kicked out of the club, they're not that mean ;)

Feelings This Week
I am feeling more reassured in my own pregnancy, and equally as sensitive to others' loses. While I am almost in the second trimester, anything can happen, but after seeing and hearing my baby I have been feeling a lot better. Hearing of loses in my month group has been especially hard this week, as I was just feeling "out of the woods" and a loss from here on takes on a different tone. I feel equal pulls to comfort mamas who are in the midst of grief, and to isolate myself from the negativity and stay in the safe cocoon of my own, so far healthy, pregnancy. 

Overall, a busy yet rewarding week. I'm that much closer to feeling my baby move, learning the sex, and gaining a big, beautiful belly. I couldn't be happier!

As always, love and happy gestating,
~The Pregnant Doula


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