First Trimester Collage! (12w5d)

Just a quick update - I am now 2 days away from being in the second trimester!! Yay!!

I finally took my 12 week photo, and so, I had to make a first trimester collage. I was very surprised to see, my belly had actually changed significantly this week. My abdomen seems to be thicker and rotated to give a heavier, fuller look. I suppose my uterus is officially making it's way out of the pelvis and into my abdomen, just under my belly button!

I am 13 weeks on Thursday, just in time for Valentine's Day on Saturday! Our little Love Bug will be "out of the woods", so-to-speak for the day of love, how fitting! 

My next appointment is the following Thursday, at 14 weeks exactly. I'm very excited to hear the heartbeat again. 

That's all for now. Oh, I also got some amazing ginger snap cookies (my craving), so I'm walking on air tonight (the sugar may be why I'm up at 11pm blogging, though ;) ). 

Love & happy gestating,
~The Pregnant Doula


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