
Showing posts from 2016

It's Not Motherhood, It's Me

Sometimes, as moms, we just want to be perfect. Have the perfect routine, the perfect house, the perfect attitude with your children 100% of the time, have it all together and never be fazed by hard times. Sometimes we try really, really hard to do it all, and not let anyone into the little bubble of our daily struggles because that would be like admitting that you can't handle it, see, everyone was right, you bit off more than you can chew . Sometimes this pride makes it hard to admit and receive help when a real problem comes up. Really hard. And then there is that word. The scary phrase that we see attached to heartbreaking headlines, that bring to mind images of shaken babies and moms that make irreversible decisions. The one that can't happen to ME, I'm okay, I can handle it.  Postpartum Depression. It brings it's own unique concerns to young moms: Will CPS/MCFD (Ministry of Children and Families, Canada's version of CPS) be called if I talk to my doctor about ...

Quick Update & Thankful November

Quick sum of things since my last post:  - birthday party was so much fun, and the photos turned out beautifully!  - I finished my Bebo Mia Exam & first doula birth (videos to come!) - Halloween has come & gone another year: (The Cat & The Fiddle and The Cow that Jumped over the Moon) -  we have been trying to conceive (with no cycles or luck so far) for a while now... - and I updated the website again (with a new url - the host site changed it, what a pain!), with new pricing, scheduling and layout at   ~ Now suddenly, it's November again! A few of my American friends do something to be thankful for every day of November, I think until their Thanksgiving (ours was in October, of course). I have always thought that it was important to be thankful for something every single day, even if it is something trivial or a basic need for survival, we are always luc...

9 Month Photoshoot, New Intro, Family Cloth & GIVEAWAY!

Hey all! Mini update here for you. We did a family photoshoot with NM Photography here in Summerland, BC (though I believe she is from Penticton, BC) for Evie's 9 month photos and it was AMAZING! She got some wonderful shots of my sweet babies and I couldn't be happier. Here is my NEW INTRO for my Youtube videos with her photos:   Also new in my life is FAMILY CLOTH. If you haven't heard of this crunchy "new fad", it's the practice of using washable & reusable cloths for your bathroom needs - fits well with my cloth diapering, I would say! I recently decided to try them out, and with my good friend at The Sewing Kraut hooked me up with some awesome cloth for my behind!   To celebrate this, and make it a little fun, we decided to do a GIVEAWAY along with a 2 week "Family Cloth Experiment" to update you guys on how I'm liking Family Cloth so far. Watch this unboxing & contest rules video here:     ...

Consolidating Blogs, a New Website, Lack of Videos and Doula Career Update!

 Hi all!! So this is just a quick update to keep you all on the same page as far as my blogs/websites/Youtube/career goes, I've been changing around a lot of things and am waaaaaaay behind on keeping you all updated, so here it all is: Consolidating Blogs I have decided that 3 separate blogs was just too hard to maintain, I'd often think of posting and then realize I should update ___ blog first, so I would just never get around to posting at all. That doesn't work for me (or you guys)! So, Blogger has this nifty feature where you can export all existing posts and upload them to a different blog, so that's what I did. All blog posts from and have been moved to this blog, this means some posts will have broken links or may reference this blog as something different from where it was originally posted - please feel free to ask me to edit them if it really bothers you, or just scroll on past if the info i...

Getting You All Caught Up (The Last Ultrasound)!

Finally coming back to this!! We left off at 38 weeks, concerned about low fluid, the last ultrasound, and induction. Boy, were we in for a whirlwind of surprises that weekend! Appointment day came, Friday August 7th, and with it my last belly photo. She looks soooo low here! I remember waking up in a rush, having to get into town quickly, nursing Levi for "the last time" before having her (haha), and generally just not feeling as prepared as I needed to be. Everything - and I do mean everything - for my hospital bags packed into the car (we were half prepared/willing to beg the midwives to start us off that day if my fluid was still low - everything was in place, if it was going to happen it might as well when we're all prepared for it rather than wait until the following morning). Then there was a lot of waiting around, waiting for the call that we could come in for our ultrasound. The plan was one final ultrasound whenever they could squeeze me in, immediat...

Getting You All Caught Up (Last Weeks of Pregnancy) ~ Oops!

So, it's come to my attention that I haven't updated this blog at all since 35 weeks pregnant, and my baby is now almost 6 months old. Soooo yeah, that happened. I'm so sorry!! Quite honestly I wouldn't even blame it on having two kids, because I have had a decent amount of time to work on videos, etc, I simply forgot about my blog as I've been working so hard to build up my Youtube channel. I'm so sorry about that, so here is a fast recap of everything you've missed: Ultrasounds and Low Fluid Scares So, backing way up, there had been concerns with my fundal height since around 28-30 weeks. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but enough to keep an eye on it, so at  28 weeks it was 28cm (perfect), but at 32 weeks it was 30cm (a little low), and at 34 weeks STILL 30cm so that was cause for concern (even though I was gaining weight, the fundal height seemed not be be moving up as it should along with it), so my midwives ordered an ultrasound to ...